High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (2024)

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Pillar Point ISP Report at a Glance
High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (1)

Pillar Point ISP Report Card


High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (2)

Download Speed for Most Households

1,000 Mbps

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (3)

Number of Internet Service Providers


High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (4)

Real Pillar Point Customer Ratings


Data last updated on August 8, 2024, reflecting the most recent FCC update from July 23, 2024, which is based on the Broadband Data Collection as of December 31, 2023.

Pillar Point has 3 internet service providers, they are sorted by coverage, available speed, and customer rating from our unbiased internet provider report. Fiber, Cable, Fixed Wireless, and DSL internet are available in the city. Reviews are grouped by provider and the type of service they offer, covering all 4 available internet technologies in Pillar Point.

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (5)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (6)


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Avg. Download Speed High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (7)The highest download speed available in Pillar Point.

Max Download Speed High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (8)Calculated from the maximum speeds available to most Pillar Point residents, weighted by user distribution.

Customer Rating



1,000 Mbps

1,000 Mbps

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (9)


High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (10)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (11)


View Plans




Avg. Download Speed High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (12)The highest download speed available in Pillar Point.

Max Download Speed High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (13)Calculated from the maximum speeds available to most Pillar Point residents, weighted by user distribution.

Customer Rating



1,000 Mbps

1,000 Mbps

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (14)




10 Mbps

10 Mbps

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (15)


High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (16)

Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (17)


View Plans




Avg. Download Speed High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (18)The highest download speed available in Pillar Point.

Max Download Speed High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (19)Calculated from the maximum speeds available to most Pillar Point residents, weighted by user distribution.

Customer Rating

Fixed Wireless


100 Mbps

100 Mbps

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (20)


Above are the top 4 providers in Pillar Point, NY for most people based on high speed internet coverage, speeds, and customer reviews. Click below to see all providers in your city.

Providers with less than 1% coverage in this city are excluded from the list. To see if one of these providers is available at your home, please use the address search above.

Satellite providers generally have 100% coverage, so we have included these options below

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (21)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (22)


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High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (23)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (24)


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High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (25)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (26)


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High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (27)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (28)


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High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (29)



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (30)


Speed and technology may vary by address for all providers. Please note we may have a financial relationship with some of the providers above, which does not impact the customer ratings displayed. Customer ratings listed above are national ratings, local Pillar Point ratings may vary and are shown below.

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  5. Pillar Point, NY Internet Service Providers

Who is the Best Internet Provider in Pillar Point, NY?

T-Mobile Home Internet is the highest-rated internet provider in Pillar Point based on 160 New York customer reviews, and T-Mobile Home Internet has the highest rating nationwide. The provider information above and the information immediately below can help you decide. Compare provider ratings and review counts above. The chart and table below show average customer ratings from customers in Pillar Point, New York, and customers throughout the country.

Top Rated Internet Providers in Pillar Point

T-Mobile Home Internet4.274.07
  • State Rating
  • National Rating

Local, State, and National Ratings for all Pillar Point Internet Providers

ISP / Tech TypePillar Point OverallNew York OverallNational OverallFor Service
T-Mobile Home InternetHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (31) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (32) (11)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (33) (166)View Plans
SpectrumHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (34) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (35) (148)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (36) (1397)View Plans
HughesNetHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (37) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (38) (1)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (39) (12)View Plans
TDSHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (40) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (41) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (42) (22)View Plans
ViasatHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (43) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (44) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (45) (10)View Plans

Based on 160 reviews from New York internet customers, T-Mobile Home Internet is the best internet service provider for Pillar Point residents. T-Mobile Home Internet was rated at an average of 4.27 out of 5 in our report for overall customer satisfaction. Spectrum wins for second-place in New York, with 3.13 out of 5 stars and 100.0% coverage in Pillar Point.

At a national level, based on 1607 national reviews for any of the providers listed above, T-Mobile Home Internet is rated higher than any other provider, with a rating of 4.07 out of 5.

Which Providers are Available at my Home in Pillar Point?

The map shows speeds per provider and where each provider is available. Click the drop-down menu to choose
a different provider.

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (46)

Internet Availability Key





Speeds and coverage vary within the city, and sometimes even from block to block. The map shows speeds per provider and where each provider is available.

Who is the Fastest Internet Provider in Pillar Point?

According to unbiased feedback from real internet customers in the city, they reported being happiest with speeds provided by T-Mobile Home Internet. On the other hand, based on data provided by the internet providers to the FCC, TDS and Spectrum should have faster speeds at a local level. While we typically put more weight on real-world customer ratings, we display both satisfaction and technical maximum information for customers to decide for themselves.

Data Reported to FCC by ISPs: Average Maximum Available in Pillar Point

Max Advertised Speed in Pillar Point, NY

T-Mobile Home Internet100
ISP / Tech TypeMax Advertised Speed
TDS1,000 Mbps
Spectrum1,000 Mbps
T-Mobile Home Internet100 Mbps
Viasat100 Mbps
HughesNet25 Mbps

Customer Ratings for Internet Provider Speeds in Pillar Point

T-Mobile Home Internet4.183.86
  • State Rating
  • National Rating
ISP / Tech TypePillar Point SpeedNew York SpeedNational SpeedFor Service
T-Mobile Home InternetHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (47) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (48) (11)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (49) (166)View Plans
SpectrumHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (50) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (51) (148)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (52) (1397)View Plans
HughesNetHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (53) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (54) (1)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (55) (12)View Plans
TDSHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (56) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (57) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (58) (22)View Plans
ViasatHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (59) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (60) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (61) (10)View Plans

Based on data reported by Pillar Point ISPs to the FCC, the fastest speeds in the city are available through TDS and Spectrum. These internet providers offer speeds up to 1,000 Mbps in Pillar Point. Therefore, the average customer can get up to 1,000 Mbps if they're willing to purchase the fastest subscription tier available at their homes.

Additionally, actual customers in the city rated their satisfaction with internet speed highest with T-Mobile Home Internet. This indicates T-Mobile Home Internet reliably delivers speeds expected by the customer based on the plan they are paying for.

Who is the Cheapest Internet Provider in Pillar Point?

New York customers rate T-Mobile Home Internet as the cheapest internet service provider in state. Data comes from customers in the state rating their satisfaction with pricing. This feedback is valuable because it considers price changes and whether the speeds paid for are worth it.

T-Mobile Home Internet received a local rating of 4.09 out of 5, which is about average for the average across all internet providers in the country. Spectrum is rated in second place for affordability by the company’s Pillar Point customers with an average price rating of 2.77 out of 5.

The chart and graph below show how customers in Pillar Point, New York, and the United States rated the affordability of their internet service.

Rated Affordability in Pillar Point

T-Mobile Home Internet4.094.16
  • State Rating
  • National Rating
ISP / Tech TypePillar Point AffordabilityNew York AffordabilityNational AffordabilityFor Service
T-Mobile Home InternetHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (62) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (63) (11)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (64) (166)View Plans
SpectrumHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (65) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (66) (148)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (67) (1397)View Plans
HughesNetHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (68) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (69) (1)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (70) (12)View Plans
TDSHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (71) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (72) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (73) (22)View Plans
ViasatHigh Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (74) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (75) (0)High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (76) (10)View Plans

Pillar Point Internet Health Assessment

ISP Reports evaluates the technological infrastructure across the United States. This includes assessing a grade for ISP providers and infrastructure in the city and setting an index number for the digital connectivity of its residents. You can view the ISP Report Card and the Digital Connectivity Index for Pillar Point below, including the metrics used and how Pillar Point compares to the rest of New York and nation.

Pillar Point ISP Report Card: B


(hover for details)

Pillar Point

New York


Fiber Availability Percent The percentage of households in Pillar Point that have a Fiber internet connection available to their home.




Average Download SpeedThe maximum download speed most households can get on average. This is measured by availability in a block group and weighted by the population in that area.

1,000 Mbps

3,173 Mbps

2,565 Mbps

Provider CountThe number of providers available for most people. This is a weighted average by block rather than a total for Pillar Point.




Pillar Point Digital Connectivity Index: 58 / 100


(hover for details)

Pillar Point

New York


Average Household SizeA larger household size in a city indicates that there will be a greater need for bandwidth due to simultaneous usage, multiple devices, and network congestion.




Work From Home PercentA higher percent of the population working from home indicates bandwidth requirements being more widely needed rather than consolidated to commercial portions of the city.




Households with DevicesA higher percentage of households with computing devices in the home indicates a higher level of infrastructure needed to support those households.




Households with InternetA higher percentage of households with internet indicates a higher need for usage and connectivity in people’s daily lives.




Households with BroadbandA higher percentage of households with a broadband connection (defined as speeds above 25 Mbps) indicates heavier usage needs within these households.




Broadband Usage vs. AvailabilityThis measures what percentage of households who have a broadband connection to their home actually have an active subscription to that service.




Our demographic data is sourced from the latest 5-year release of the American Community Survey by the US Census Bureau.

Pillar Point ISP Report Card & Digital Connectivity Index

The ISP Report Card in Pillar Point is B, which is better than other cities. The local demand for broadband internet connectivity in Pillar Point is high with a score of 58 / 100 in our Digital Connectivity Index. This means that internet service providers operating in Pillar Point have done a average job meeting the needs of its residents.

The Pillar Point ISP Report Card evaluates the city on availability and speed metrics compared to other cities in the United States. ISP Infrastructure can vary greatly and on its own isn’t a perfect measure of what a city needs. Please see our ISP Report Card along with the Digital Connectivity Index above to evaluate how well the connectivity demand is met by the existing infrastructure.

96% of Pillar Point households have an internet connection despite having 100.00% availability. 76% of households have fiber, cable, or DSL, 2% have satellite, 0% are still on dial-up, and 0% of households have internet but don’t pay for a subscription because it’s subsidized by the Affordable Connectivity Program.

As you can see in the table above, while 76% of households have a broadband connection such as fiber, cable or DSL available to their home, 76% subscribe to it. A large amount of Pillar Point residents are taking advantage of the available internet infrastructure.

For more details, please visit our ISP Report Card and Digital Connectivity Index pages.

How do Neighboring Cities Compare to Pillar Point?

Jewettville, NY

  • ISP Report Card: C
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 50 / 100

Sackets Harbor, NY

  • ISP Report Card: D
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 55 / 100

Dexter, NY

  • ISP Report Card: C
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 63 / 100

Limerick, NY

  • ISP Report Card: C
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 53 / 100

Camps Mills, NY

  • ISP Report Card: D
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 51 / 100

Chaumont, NY

  • ISP Report Card: C
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 59 / 100

Three Mile Bay, NY

  • ISP Report Card: C-
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 64 / 100

Paddy Hill, NY

  • ISP Report Card: C
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 69 / 100

East Hounsfield, NY

  • ISP Report Card: D
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 50 / 100

How Much Speed does a Pillar Point Household Need?

Higher speed is typically preferred, but that comes at a higher price. The average size of a household in Pillar Point is 2.1, which is smaller than the New York average of 2.7 and smaller than the national average of 2.7. Pillar Point's average household income is $68,750 which is lower than the New York average of $94,984 and about average for the national average of $86,735. Homes with fewer people living in them and with higher incomes tend to indicate a fairly average device usage pattern.

Pillar Point also has 5% of its population enrolled in school between the 6th grade and college level, this is lower than the New York average of 16%. Additionally, 8% of residents work from home, which is lower than the 12% of residents in New York who work from home. This and other factors you can see above show us that the community of Pillar Point has a high need for internet connectivity and speeds.

Compared to the rest of the country, Pillar Point households are about average when it comes to technological engagement. 93% of households have some sort of computing device, 82% have desktops or laptops in the home, and 85% have smartphones.

Which Fiber Internet Providers are Available in Pillar Point?



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (78)


Avg. Download Speed

1,000 Mbps

TDS offers Fiber service to 100.0% of Pillar Point homes. Across the city, TDS Fiber has speeds up to 1,000 Mbps

Which Cable Internet Providers are Available in Pillar Point?



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (80)


Avg. Download Speed

1,000 Mbps

Spectrum offers Cable service to 100.0% of Pillar Point homes. Across the city, Spectrum Cable is the only type of service available from the company, with speeds up to 1,000 Mbps

Which DSL Internet Providers are Available in Pillar Point?



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (82)


Avg. Download Speed

10 Mbps

TDS offers DSL service to 100.0% of Pillar Point homes. Across the city, TDS DSL has speeds up to 10 Mbps

Which Fixed Wireless and LTE Internet Providers are Available in Pillar Point?



Customer Rating:

High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (84)


Avg. Download Speed

100 Mbps

T-Mobile Home Internet offers Fixed Wireless service to 100.0% of Pillar Point homes. Across the city, T-Mobile Home Internet Fixed Wireless is the only type of service available from the company, with speeds up to 100 Mbps

Which ISP Should You Choose in Pillar Point?

The right ISP for you depends upon your needs, but in general we can make the following suggestions:

  • The best all-around internet service provider in Pillar Point is T-Mobile Home Internet.
  • The fastest internet provider should be TDS and Spectrum. Considering speed for the money and reliability in speeds, T-Mobile Home Internet may be a better choice based on real-world local customer feedback.
  • The most affordable internet provider in Pillar Point is T-Mobile Home Internet.
  • Viasat, TDS, T-Mobile Home Internet, Spectrum, and HughesNet has the broadest coverage in Pillar Point, and is most likely to cover your home. To find out exactly what's available at your home, please use our address search tool.

How does Pillar Point compare to other cities with a similar population?

To see how Pillar Point stacks up on the national level, it's useful to look at some other cities with similarly sized populations. Below you can see a list of these cities and how they compare to Pillar Point's B ISP Report Card and 58 / 100 Digital Connectivity Index.

Spar City, CO

  • ISP Report Card: B-
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 66 / 100

Kief, ND

  • ISP Report Card: C
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 42 / 100

Kildare, OK

  • ISP Report Card: D
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 46 / 100

Kimeo, KS

  • ISP Report Card: D+
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 32 / 100

Kinterbish, AL

  • ISP Report Card: F
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 22 / 100

Kongsberg, ND

  • ISP Report Card: C+
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 38 / 100

Silver City, MI

  • ISP Report Card: C-
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 42 / 100

Skwentna, AK

  • ISP Report Card: F
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 22 / 100

South Aberdeen, WA

  • ISP Report Card: D+
  • Digital Connectivity Index: 48 / 100

Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews for Internet Service Providers in New York

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High Speed Internet Providers in Pillar Point, NY (2024)


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Article information

Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Last Updated:

Views: 5931

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.