Deflators and how we use them in economic estimates (2024)

1. Definition of a deflator

Estimates of economic activity, such as gross domestic product (GDP), are typically available in "nominal" or "real" terms. “Nominal” estimates reflect the cash value of output or expenditure, such as those consumers might experience in shops. These change over time, reflecting movements in prices and quantities. Users are typically more interested in the "real” estimates.

A deflator seeks to break down any change in prices into a pure price change between two time periods for a like-for-like product (for example, an identical print cartridge), and that which reflects a quality change (for example, if the printer cartridge was redesigned to contain more ink). We can capture the latter as a volume change, showing that consumers are now getting more from the product than before. This gives the data in real price terms (often referred to as real prices or constant prices).

Growth rates calculated from current price data are referred to as nominal growth rates. Nominal growth rates show how economic data change over time. However, they do not remove the effect of inflation, and can appear to grow faster than people’s real experience of the economy.

If we wanted to analyse economic data between time periods, such as the volume growth of GDP, referred to as the real growth of GDP, we would need to remove the change in prices, which is commonly referred to as inflation. If prices are increasing, then the nominal growth rate will be more than the real growth rate. If prices are decreasing, then nominal growth will be less than the real growth rate. To remove the effect of inflation, we use deflators.

A deflator is often a price index, such as the Producer Price Index or the Consumer Prices Index. Read more about these in our Producer Price Index QMI report and Consumer Prices Index article. Price indices show how the price of a good or service changes over time.

More information on the different types of deflators used is found in Section 4: GDP and deflators.

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2. The importance of deflators

When measuring the change of the UK economy over time, we try to understand if the value of goods and services produced in the UK is changing. We are therefore interested in the volume growth, which can be considered the change in the quantity of goods and services produced, consumed, or purchased in the economy. To capture changes in economic activity, we use deflators to remove the effects of pure price changes.

Example 1: Calculating a deflator

This example details the process of calculating a deflator for a specific product, in this example: a lemon.

Table 1 provides a simple example of how to calculate a deflator. The following terms are used in the table:

  • current price; the price of a lemon in the year it was purchased
  • base price; fixing the price in a given year, so that there are no price changes over time
  • deflator calculation; (current price / base price) * 100
  • reference year; the year in which the deflator equals 100

Taking the current price in each year, dividing it by the base price, then multiplying the result by 100 calculates the value of the lemon deflator in each year. Using 1998 as the reference year means the deflator in this year is equal to 100.

Table 1: Example data showing how to calculate a deflator for lemons
Current Price30p33p36p45p
Price of lemon in year
Base Price30p30p30p30p
Price of lemon in ref. year 1998
Lemon Deflator (Current Price / Base Price) * 100(30 / 30) * 100=(33 / 30) * 100=(36 / 30) * 100 =(45 / 30) * 100=

Download this table Table 1: Example data showing how to calculate a deflator for lemons


In Table 2, we will apply the deflator calculated to generate the real value of lemon sales over time.

Table 2: Example data showing how to calculate real values of lemon sales using the lemon deflator
Current price (CP)30p33p36p45p
Base price30p30p30p30p
Lemon Deflator100110120150
Quantity of lemons10141312
Current price value of total Lemon sales in year10*30p = 300p14*33p = 462p13*36p = 468p12*45p = 540p
Applying the Deflator(300/100)*100 =(462/110)*100 =(468/120)*100 =(540/150)*100 =
(CP / deflator) * 100300p420p390p360p
Real value of Lemon sales£3.00£4.20£3.90£3.60
(inflation removed)

Download this table Table 2: Example data showing how to calculate real values of lemon sales using the lemon deflator


This example shows that if only the current price value of total lemon sales were compared, then it looks like 2022 was the year with the most lemon sales. By applying the deflator, and comparing the real value of lemon sales, it is clear that 2006 was the year with the most lemon sales.

This example shows how important it is to account for price change over time. Otherwise, it can lead to misleading conclusions about the data. Using deflators to account for price changes over time is an essential part of understanding how economic data changes over time. For example, deflators help us understand how real wages and household spending are changing over time.

Further information on how economic data is deflated is detailed in our Chain-linking methods article.

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3. Different types of deflators

A variety of deflators are used in the UK national accounts. Price indices are the most common source of data used to generate deflators, but not all deflators are price indices. It is worth noting that price indices are not always developed with deflation in mind, and may differ in conceptual scope.

The choice of deflator should depend on the data we are looking to deflate. The deflator and its source data should match with the type of nominal data we are looking to deflate. For example, if we are looking to deflate data on household consumption, we would use a relevant consumer prices index. If we wanted to deflate data for imports of goods, we would use an import price index.

In this section, we provide examples of the main types of business and consumer price indices produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), with links to associated articles defining the methodology used to compile the price indices.

Consumer prices

  • Consumer Price Index including owner occupiers housing costs (CPIH).
  • Consumer Price Indices (CPI).

Business prices

  • Producer Price Indices (PPI).
  • Export Price Indices (EPI).
  • Import Price Indices (IPI).
  • Services Producer Price Indices (SPPI).
  • Construction Output Price Indices (OPI).

Our gross domestic product (GDP) sources catalogue dataset provides detail of deflators for different goods and services used in the output approach to measuring GDP.

Another common type of deflator is the implied deflator. It divides current price expenditure by its associated volume series. This presents the average ratio between expenditure and volume. An implied deflator can be used if a specific deflator for a certain product is not available, and it can give an indicator of the real price movements. The most used implied deflator is the GDP implied deflator. The implied GDP deflator represents the broadest measure of inflation in the domestic economy, reflecting changes in the price of all goods and services that comprise GDP.

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4. GDP and deflators

Deflators are used in the publication of national accounts and official statistics by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The Eurostat prices and volumes handbook is an important document that contains guidance on how to calculate the statistics that feed into the national accounts. It accounts for the trade-off between conceptual suitability and practical application across the European economies, given their range of requirements. The UK is currently considering how best to use this guidance after the UK’s exit from the EU.

One important economic measure of the UK economy is gross domestic product (GDP), as shown in our GDP Quality and Methodology Information report. GDP is a measure of economic output carried out by all firms, non-profit organisations, government, and households. There are three approaches, or methods, of calculating GDP, as set out in our Guide to UK National Accounts article:

  • the expenditure approach
  • the income approach
  • the output approach

Theoretically, these three approaches should all sum to the same total. Each approach uses different deflators to give GDP in real values.

Taking a closer look at the expenditure approach to measuring GDP (GDP(E)), GDP(E) is calculated as the sum of all net expenditures by households, businesses, and governments on final production. These include exports and the change in inventories, as well as less imported goods and services.

Consumer price indices, export price indices, import price indices and producer price indices are all used to deflate the different components in calculating this approach to measuring GDP.

Figure 1 shows the difference between real GDP and nominal (current prices) GDP over the past 50 years. The blue bars on the chart represent the GDP deflator, and show the difference between the nominal and real GDP values each year.

There was a large difference between nominal and real GDP in the 1970s because of high inflation at that time. In 2020, real GDP falls, but nominal GDP shows growth; this is because of an increase in prices. Figure 1 also shows that during periods of moderate inflation, real and nominal GDP are a lot closer to each other.

Figure 1: Annual percentage change in gross domestic product (GDP)

GDP represented as annual percentage change in real values, current prices and the GDP deflator

Source: ONS series YBHA, ABMI, YBGB

Download this chart Figure 1: Annual percentage change in gross domestic product (GDP)


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5. Capturing quality change with deflators

Section 2: The importance of deflators showed how a basic product deflator can be calculated using lemons as an example. Lemons, as a product, have remained fairly similar through the years. However, when we look at all the products produced within the UK economy, we can see that many products have seen significant technological improvements in this time. Ideally, deflators reflect changes in the prices of goods and services, not changes in quality, which ensures that "like-for-like" comparisons are made.

A clear example of why we need to account for quality change is to look at the difference between a mobile phone in 1998 and a mobile phone in 2022. The price of these phones has increased over time. Considering the greater functionality of modern phones when compared with a phone from 1998, there has been a significant increase in quality, and this needs to be accounted for. The aim of using quality adjustment is to remove the effects of quality change in the product over time. For products like lemons, quality change is not significant here, so is not considered when generating the deflator.

The telecommunications services deflator can be used to demonstrate how quality change is captured in national accounts deflators. The telecommunications industry has seen technological advancements, such as increased coverage and broadband speeds over the past two decades. Quality adjustment for these technological improvements results in a price decline in the telecommunications deflator.

Reflecting this, Figure 2 shows that the quality adjusted telecommunications deflator indicates a stronger price decline than the non-quality adjusted deflator. This results in faster volume growth of GDP over this period.

Figure 2: Improved telecommunication services deflator has a stronger price decline

Current quality-adjusted telecommunications deflator and the old, non-quality-adjusted, telecommunications deflator, 1997 to 2016, index 2016=100

Source: Improvements to the measurement of UK GDP including quality adjustment in telecommunications services deflator

  1. The source for Figure 2 is the Improvements to the measurement of UK GDP: an update on progress article.

Download this chart Figure 2: Improved telecommunication services deflator has a stronger price decline


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6. Related links

Double deflation and supply use framework in the UK National Accounts
Article | Released 2 December 2022
This article gives an overview of the supply use framework in the UK National Accounts including the process of double deflation. This includes the changes to the framework introduced as part of Blue Book 2021, including the volume reconciliation process and deflation. It also gives a brief history on the implementation for this process.

National Accounts, deflator strategy: November 2022
Article |29 November 2022
Strategy for improving the suite of deflators used across the UK National Accounts, and a roadmap of work to improve our measurement of key economic indicators.

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7. Cite this methodology

Office for National Statistics (ONS), released 2 December 2022, ONS website, methodological article, Deflators and how we use them in economic estimates

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Deflators and how we use them in economic estimates (2024)


Deflators and how we use them in economic estimates? ›

The GDP price deflator measures the changes in prices of all the goods and services produced in an economy. Using the GDP price deflator helps economists compare the levels of real economic activity from one year to the next.

How to use deflator economics? ›

The nominal GDP of a given year is computed using that year's prices, while the real GDP of that year is computed using the base year's prices. The formula implies that dividing the nominal GDP by the real GDP and multiplying it by 100 will give the GDP Deflator, hence "deflating" the nominal GDP into a real measure.

What is the GDP deflator used to estimate? ›

A GDP deflator is a tool that is used to measure price changes over time, and it is also known as the GDP price deflator or implicit GDP price deflator. It measures the changes in prices for all the goods and services produced in an economy. It measures inflation (prices going up) and deflation (prices going down).

What does the GDP deflator help us measure how does it do so? ›

The gross domestic product implicit price deflator, or GDP deflator, measures changes in the prices of goods and services produced in the United States, including those exported to other countries. Prices of imports are excluded.

How is the GDP deflator used to measure living standards in the economy? ›

The GDP deflator is a price index, which means it tracks the average prices of goods and services produced across all sectors of a nation's economy over time. With this index, changes in the average price level (inflation or deflation) can be calculated between years.

What is the role of the deflator? ›

To remove the effect of inflation, we use deflators. A deflator is often a price index, such as the Producer Price Index or the Consumer Prices Index. Read more about these in our Producer Price Index QMI report and Consumer Prices Index article. Price indices show how the price of a good or service changes over time.

What does a deflator do? ›

A deflator is a figure expressing the change in prices over a period of time for a product or a basket of products, which is used to 'deflate' (price adjust) a measure of value changes for the same period (for example the sales of this product or basket), thus removing the price increases or decreases and leaving only ...

Can you use the GDP deflator to calculate inflation? ›

Inflation rate is just the percentage change in GDP deflator from one period to the next. Mathematically, we can write it as GDP deflator of year 2 subtracted by GDP deflator of year 1, divided by GDP deflator of year 1, and then multiplied by 100.

How do you use GDP deflator to get real GDP? ›

Divide the nominal GDP by the GDP deflator and multiply by 100. This will give you the real GDP.

What happens if the GDP deflator increases? ›

When the GDP deflator exceeds 100 percent, the price level has increased. The GDP deflator is similar to the consumer price index because both measure the impact of price changes.

Is GDP deflator a measure of economic growth? ›

It is not a measure of economic growth; it only indicates the changes in prices.

What happens if there is deflation? ›

The effects of deflation

Here are a few. Falling incomes/higher unemployment: When businesses are selling goods for lower prices, they earn less profit. To make up for it, they may cut wages or lay off employees, and spend less on innovation and investing in the company.

Why use GDP deflator instead of CPI? ›

The CPI measures price changes in goods and services purchased out of pocket by urban consumers, whereas the GDP price index and implicit price deflator measure price changes in goods and services purchased by consumers, businesses, government, and foreigners, but not importers.

What can the GDP deflator be used to identify quizlet? ›

The GDP deflator can be used to calculate the inflation rate. In a given year, nominal GDP is $411.35 billion and real GDP is $363.92 billion. Find the GDP deflator. Enter a number rounded to two decimal places.

What are the disadvantages of a GDP deflator? ›

The biggest disadvantage of the GDP Deflator is that it is very hard to calculate. Instead of having a basket of a few hundred specific products like CPI, the GDP deflator needs price AND quantity data from thousands of different products every year.

What changes in the GDP deflator reflect? ›

The GDP deflator reflects price changes for total GDP. The most general measure of the overall price level, it accounts for changes in government consumption, capital formation (including inventory appreciation), international trade, and the main component, household final consumption expenditure.

How to calculate inflation rate using deflator? ›

Inflation rate is just the percentage change in GDP deflator from one period to the next. Mathematically, we can write it as GDP deflator of year 2 subtracted by GDP deflator of year 1, divided by GDP deflator of year 1, and then multiplied by 100.

How to deflate using CPI? ›

To deflate a future dollar value into present day dollars, multiply the future dollar value by the ratio of the current year CPI index to the future year CPI index.

What is the difference between CPI and deflator? ›

GDP deflator is a measure of all products and services of the country (including non-consumer goods and services), while the CPI uses only consumer goods. GDP deflator includes only domestic goods, while CPI includes anything bought by consumers, which includes non-domestic products (imported or foreign-made).


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